Summer is probably the best season of the year for driving, but don't let the good weather lull you into thinking your car doesn't need regular maintenance. As summer moves on and eventually gets to its conclusion, you'll want to make sure you've put in the work needed to get your vehicle ready for when Mother Nature returns with a vengeance. Here are some car tips that you'll want to focus on before Labor Day gets here.
Get Rid of Battery Corrosion
Summer is fairly easy on your car battery compared to fall and winter, but do yourself a favor and lift the hood to look for corrosion before the cooler weather returns. Colder weather makes life more difficult for your battery, and it will be especially rough if your battery is trying to power your alternator through a thick crust of corrosion. Wipe it off with some baking soda and a toothbrush or take it to an auto repair service for a fresh installation.
Change Your Windshield Wipers
Summer is generally considered to be the driest season of the year in many parts of the country. You might not have forgotten about your windshield wipers, but chances are you are not using them nearly as often as you did the previous winter. As cooler air begins to arrive, double-check your wipers and make sure they are ready for what's ahead over the next 6 months or more. Fresh wipers will improve your visibility as rain and eventually snow begins to fall.
Rotate or Switch Your Tires
You should be rotating your tires every 3 months or roughly once per season to ensure normal wear and tear. (If you see abnormal wear on one side of your tire despite your best efforts to rotate, you might have an alignment problem that needs to be looked at.) Depending on how early bad weather will return in your area, you might also want to use this opportunity to switch back to all-weather tires. The roads will start getting slippery again over the next few months, so it's important to make sure you are ready to maintain your grip on the road.
The last days of summer are a fun time for one last dip in the pool or a trip to an amusement park, but don't forget to get your car ready for what's ahead. Make sure your battery is prepared to do its job in cooler weather, improve your visibility by changing your wipers and never forget to rotate or switch out your tires. Contact an auto repair service near you in order to learn more.