If you're trying to save money, you might decide to buy mismatched tires. This is especially true if you're trying to shop the sales. It's not uncommon for tire shops to run out of certain sizes. Buying mismatched tires might save you money on the initial sale, but that might be as far as the savings go. Before you put a set of mismatched tires on your car, read the list provided below. Here are four problems you could experience when you drive on mismatched tires.
You'll Lose Out on Gas Mileage
If you've decided to buy mismatched tires for your car, now's the time to think about gas mileage. This is especially important now that gas prices have skyrocketed. If you do a lot of driving, you need to get the best gas mileage you can. That's why you need to avoid buying mismatched tires for your car. You might not know this, but mismatched tires can reduce your gas mileage. That's why you need to invest in a matched set of tires for your car. With a matching set, you'll improve your gas mileage.
Your Tires Will Wear Out Unevenly
If you plan to put mismatched tires on your car, consider tread wear. When you put a matched set of tires on your car, the tread wears out evenly. That means all your tires will wear out at the same time. But, when you put mismatched tires on your car, the tread wears out at different rates. That means one or two tires could wear out before the rest. To ensure even tread wear, always put matched sets of tires on your car.
You Might Notice Performance Issues
If you want to get peak performance out of your car, don't settle for mismatched tires. One of the problems with riding on mismatched tires is that your car could end up with performance issues. Some of those issues could include decreased stopping power and reduced acceleration. That's why you need to invest in a matched set of tires. With matching tires, your car will have the performance you need.
You'll Need Frequent Wheel Alignments
If you want to save money on maintenance costs, now's the time to buy a matched set of tires for your car. You might not know this, but if you're driving on a mismatched set of tires, you may need to take your car in for wheel alignments more often than you'd expect. To reduce the maintenance costs, invest in a matched set of tires.